Don't have much time this week. But just want to tell you about how we did a blitz with our entire zone in Belfast. It was awesome! we had groups chalking the plan of salvation and groups writing questions on a white board for people to answer and another group singing hymns. It was a busy day and I didn't sit down for 6 hours but that is ok because we had a blast. I was at the whiteboards and we stopped a ton of people as they were walking by. In all we got over 50 solid referrals for the 3 sets of Elders in Belfast! They wont be able to go finding for a couple weeks haha.Back in our area though it has been a little slow. But that is ok because we know that this next week will be awesome. Toze (recent convert) just got back from holiday so we will be able to take him to lessons, because he speaks Portuguese. The work will pick up again this week.Just want you to know this church is true. It makes sense especially when the spirit tells you. I love being here in Northern Ireland.Elder Thayne
P.S. Happy Birthday Grayson, He is 17!!
I saw this sign and I had to take it so Afton can see she is in Ireland too.
I guess you are suppose to serve your mission here :]
Oh yea one more thing: for the last 3 weeks I have been Pranking Elder Plewe telling him that we couldn't use any light bulbs because of this survey thing, so we have been using candles for three weeks haha :]
Oh yeah, I put light bulbs back in the flat today.
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