So I am getting Transferred out of Dunfermline. I am going up North for
the summer. I am super excited because I hear that it is the best place
for GQing in the mission. I am ready for this new challenge. My new
companion is named Elder Quinton. He is 26 and he is from Australia. I
will tell you more about him when I meet him. I am really excited
So this last week has been pretty fun. We were able to play badminton with the sisters and with Kaitlyn on monday.
Story: On Wednesday Elder Flynn and I were chapping and I realized that
there was a huge hole in his trousers and I told him it was pretty
noticeable. We knocked on some of these doors and no one was home so we
moved on. When we were 3 or four houses down I noticed a lady in the
house we knocked on and she was using a sewing machine. We were like
" way...will it work?" I went over and knocked on her window and
gave her a fright haha. She came to the door and we explained our
dilemma and it was super awkward haha. Bless her heart, She wouldn't sew
up his trousers but she gave us needle and thread. We then started
telling her about the gospel and she was interested. We met her at the
church the next day and we taught her. It was awesome. Moral of the
story: by small and simple things (Big hole in trousers) are great
things brought to pass (new investigator).
were able to go on a blitz with the Zone leaders. We GQd (street
contacted) for 8 hours haha. it was a crazy day. Because we are always
finding this transfer is the first transfer I have filled out every
space for a potential to be. haha it was pretty satisfying.
got my moves call on sunday when I was leaving the Macdonalds house. We
were walking to Kaitlyn's to see her one last time. When I was told I
was leaving my heart sunk. I saw it coming and I know I need to move on
some time but it was so sad. When I got to Kaitlyn she had brownies for
us and a cake for sister Pennock. We talked a bit and I talked to her
Mom. Her mom said it will be weird not to have me coming over any more.
once her mom left we were all just talking about all of the times that
are about to become the good old times. I felt so sad. I have developed
such a love for her. It is nothing romantic. I truly do love her though.
She has become a great friend and I look up to her so much. It was a
sad moment but it was good.
This work is
amazing. I love this gospel. I have made so many friends through it. I
am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and to help others come to
this gospel. "shall we not go on in so great a work." Pray for me when I
go to Aberdeen.
Elder Thayne
P.S. I did service at the fishery and he said we can fish for 15 minutes during our lunch break. :]
Me playing Brother Lynch in Table tennis. |
I found Afton's street. I think you are suppose to serve here :] |
This is the Blitz we did the the Zone Leaders. We all got Ben and Jerry's. it was half price. |
This is Brian Hall. He looks kind of scary, but he is the sweetest old man ever! |
The Watsons: Monic, Daryl, me Megan and Kristy. |
The Macdonalds: Elder Flynn, Emily, Darryn, Me, cool girl, Samuel, Jacob, Sister Macdonald. |